
How can you get your taste buds back when taking chemo
How can you get your taste buds back when taking chemo

how can you get your taste buds back when taking chemo how can you get your taste buds back when taking chemo

However, when you have cancer treatment, the tasty foods you've enjoyed before can suddenly taste weird. The basic sensations that your taste buds deliver are sweet, sour, salty, bitter and savouriness (strawberry waffles, whipped cream, lasagna, pizza, bacon, spices), in short, all foods that excite your taste buds. You experience taste through your taste buds, which are found mostly on your tongue but also on the roof, back and sides of your mouth, and in the back of your throat. Medically reviewed by Urologic Oncologist Dr. At night, I settled on a diet of rice or pasta with butter.” I eventually found that food tasted better in the mornings and right after my treatments so these became my main meals. “I feel that the worst part was losing the taste buds, everything I tried to eat tasted funny so I had a lot of trouble eating.

How can you get your taste buds back when taking chemo